One of the benefits of regular file backups is to protect your files against ransomware. To detect potential ransomware situation, The HaltonDC Backup service will insert a test file throughout your system, the file name could be hdcdontdelete.txt or some other similar filename. If this file can no longer be read at its expected location the system will trigger potential ransomware and abort further backups.
However, inadvertently moving or deleting the file will also trigger this state, in this case, the system has to be manually reset using the following steps:
1. From your local machine open the HaltonDC Back Client. The application is either named "HaltonDC Backup Client" or "Syncrify Client".
2. Click on the Tools menu and select Reset RWP
3. Your ransomware protection has been resetted, you can exit the application. The normal backup operation will resume on scheduled time.